
Sustainability, Spread and Scale

Laur C,
Ladak Z, Hall A, Solbak N, Nathan N, Buzuayne S, Curran J, Shelton R, Ivers N.. Sustainability, spread, and scale in trials using audit and feedback: a theory-informed, secondary analysis of a systematic review. 2023. Implementation Science. 

Riley-Gibson E, Hall A, Shoesmith A, Wolfenden L, Shelton R, Doherty E, Pollock E, Booth D, Salloum R, Laur C, Powell B, Kingsland M, Lane C, Hailemariam M, Sutherland R, Nathan N. A systematic review to determine the effect of strategies to sustain chronic disease prevention interventions in clinical and community settings: study protocol. 2024. Systematic Reviews. 2024.

Nathan C, Shelton R, Laur C, Hailemariam M, Hall A. Editorial: Sustaining the implementation of evidence-based interventions in clinical and community settings. 2023. Frontiers in Health Services; Implementation Science.

Mehrfar P, Martyn J, Laur C, Ivers N, Fernandes A, Bassi H, Alarakhia M, Alam N, Pariser P. Adapting Our SCOPE: Lessons Learned from Spreading and Scaling Efforts to Integrate Care. 2023. Healthcare Quarterly.

Nathan N, Powell B, Shelton R, Laur C, Wolfenden L, Hailemariam M, Yoong S, Sutherland R, Kingsland M, Waltz T, Hall A. Do the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) strategies adequately address sustainment? 2023. Frontiers in Health Services; Implementation Science.

Laur C, Corrado AM, Grimshaw JM, Ivers N. Trialists perspectives on sustaining, spreading, and scaling-up of quality improvement interventions. 2021. Implementation Science Communications.

Laur C, Bell J, Valaitis R, Ray S, Keller H. The role of trained champions in sustaining and spreading nutrition care improvements in hospital: qualitative interviews following an implementation study. 2021. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health.

Laur C, Ball L, Keller H, Ivers N. Building on what we know: moving beyond effectiveness to consider how to implement, sustain and spread successful health interventions. 2020. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health.

Kearsley E, Yun Yang H, Karunananthan S, Laur C, Grimshaw J, Ivers N. When do trials of diabetes quality improvement strategies lead to sustained change in patient care? BMJ Quality and Safety. Online First: 13 September 2019.

+Laur C, Bell J, Valaitis R, Ray S, Keller H. The Sustain and Spread Framework: Strategies for sustaining and spreading nutrition care improvements in acute care based on thematic analysis from the More-2-Eat study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018; 18:930

Implementation Science and Health Services Research

Nicholas Angl E*, Laur C*, Strange M, Sklar B, Tadrous M, Ivers N. Engaging critically: exploring the varying roles of lived experience advisors in an implementation science study on management of opioid prescribing. 2024. Research Involvement and Engagement.

Laur C*, Petrie S*, Rios P, Suarez A, Makanjuola O, Burke E, Bhattacharyya O, Mukerji G. Quality measures of virtual care in ambulatory healthcare environments: A scoping review. 2024. BMJ Open.

Ladak Z, Grewal N, Kim O, Small S, Leber A, Hemani M, Sun Q, Hamza D, Laur C, Ivers N, Falenchuk O, Volpe R. Equity in prenatal healthcare services globally: an umbrella review. 2024. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.

Pohar Manhas K, Horlick S, Krysa J, Kovacs Burns K, Brehon K, Laur C, Papathanassoglou E, Ho C. Implementation of a Provincial Long COVID Care Pathway in Alberta, Canada: Provider Perceptions. 2024. Healthcare.

McCleary N, Laur C, Presseau J, Dobell G, Lam JMC, Gushue S, Hagel K, Bevan L, Salach L, Desveaux L, Ivers N. Surfacing the causal assumptions and active ingredients of healthcare quality improvement interventions: an application to primary care opioid prescribing. 2023. Implementation Research and Practice.

Medeiros P*, Laur C*, Nguyen T, Gilfoyle M, Conway A, Giroux E, Hoekstra F, Legasto JM, Ramage E, Tittlemier B, Wood B, Steinwender S & IKT Research Network Trainee Group. Building capacity for integrated knowledge translation: a description of what we can learn from trainees’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022. Health Research Policy and Systems.

Simeoni S, Saragosa M, Laur C, Desveaux L, Schwartz K, Ivers N. Coping with ‘the grey area’ of antibiotic prescribing: a theory-informed qualitative study exploring family physician perspectives on antibiotic prescribing. 2022. BMC Primary Care.

Agarwal P*, Laur C*, Thai K, Kishimoto V, Kelly S, Liang K, Bhatia S, Bhattacharyya O, Martin D, Mukerji G. Implementation and Evaluation of COVIDCare@Home, a Family Medicine Led Remote Monitoring Program for COVID-19 Patients. 2022. JMIR Human Factors.

Daneman N, Lee S, Bai H, Bell C, Bronskill S, Campitelli M, Dobell G, Fu L, Garber G, Ivers N, Kumar M, Lam J, Langford B, Laur C, Morris A, Mulhall C, Pinto R, Saxena F, Schwartz K, Brown K. Behavioral Nudges to Improve Audit and Feedback Report Opening Among Antibiotic Prescribers: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 2022. Open Forum Infectious Diseases.

Koripalli M, Giruparajah M, Laur C, Shulman R. Selecting an intervention to prevent ketoacidosis at diabetes diagnosis in children using a behavior change framework. 2022. Pediatric Diabetes.

Cassidy C, Shin D, Ramage E, Conway A, Mrklas K, Laur C, Beck A, Varin M, Steinwender S, Nguyen T, Langley J, Dorey R, Donnelly L, Ormel I. Trainee-led research using an integrated knowledge translation or other research partnership approaches: a scoping review. 2021. Health Research, Policy and Systems.

Cassidy, CE, Beck, AJ, Conway, A, Varin, MD, Laur, C, Lewis, KB, Ramage, ER, Nguyen, T, Steinwender, S, Ormel, I, Stratton, L, & Shin, HD. Using an integrated knowledge translation or other research partnership approach in trainee-led research: A scoping review protocol. 2021. BMJ Open. 

Agarwal P, Mukerji G, Laur C, Chandra S, Pimlott N, Heisey R, Stovel R, Goulbourne E, Bhatia RS, Bhattacharyya O, Martin D. Adoption, feasibility and safety of a family medicine-led remote monitoring program for patients with COVID-19: a descriptive study. 2021. CMAJ Open.

Daneman N, Lee SM, Bai H, Bell CM, Bronskill SE, Campitelli MA, Dobell G, Fu L, Garber G, Ivers N, Lam JMC, Langford BJ, Laur C, Morris A, Mulhall C, Pinto R, Saxena FE, Schwartz KL, Brown KA. Population-Wide Peer Comparison Audit and Feedback to Reduce Antibiotic Initiation and Duration in Long-Term Care Facilities with Embedded Randomized Controlled Trial. 2021. Clin Infect Dis.

Laur C, Sribaskaran T, Simeoni M, Desveaux L, Daneman N, Mulhall C, Lam J, Ivers N. Improving antibiotic initiation and duration prescribing among nursing home physicians using an audit and feedback intervention: a theory informed qualitative analysis. 2021. BMJ Open Quality.

Laur C*, Agarwal P*, Mukerji G, Goulbourne E, Baranek H, Pus L, Bhatia S, Martin D, Bhattacharyya  O. Building health services in a rapidly changing landscape: Lessons in adaptive leadership and Pivots in a COVID-19 remote monitoring program. 2021. Journal of Medical Internet Research. *Joint first author

Laur C, Butterworth D, Nasser R, Stickles-White M, Tom M, Keller H. Working with hospital teams to treat food as medicine. 2020. The Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network Casebook.

Improving Nutrition Care in Hospitals and Community

Keller H, Donnelly R, Laur C, Goharian L, Nasser R. Consensus-based nutrition care pathways for hospital-to-community transitions and older adults in primary and community care. 2021 JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.

Laur C, Carew W, Keller H. Building nutrition into a falls risk screening program for older adults in Family Health Teams in North Eastern Ontario. 2019; Canadian Journal on Aging.

Laur C, Davidson B, Keller H. Perceptions on use of the subjective global assessment before and after it became part of regular practice. 2019; Nutrition in Clinical Practice.

Morrison J, Laur C, Keller H. SCREEN III: working towards a condensed screening tool to detect nutrition risk in community-dwelling older adults using CLSA data. 2019; Eur J Clin Nutr.

Laur C, Butterworth D, Nasser R, Bell J, Marcell C, Murphy J, Valaitis R, Bernier P, Ray S, Keller H. Impact of Facilitated Behavior Change Strategies on Food Intake Monitoring and Body Weight Measurements in Acute Care: Case Examples From the More‐2‐Eat. 2018. Nutr Clin Pract.

Keller H, Xu Y, Dubin J, Curtis L, Laur C, Bell J, for the More-2-Eat Team. Improving the standard of nutrition care in hospital: Mealtime barriers reduced with implementation of the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care. 2018. Clin Nutr ESPEN.  28: 74-79.

Curtis L, Valaitis R, Laur C, McNicholl T, Nasser R, Keller H. Low Food Intake In Hospital: patient, institutional, and clinical factors. 2018. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.

Keller HH, Valaitis R, Laur C, McNicholl T, Xu Y, Dubin J, Curtis L, Obiorah S, Ray S, Bernier P, Gramlich L, Stickles-White M, Laporte M, Bell J. Multi-site Implementation of nutrition screening and diagnosis in medical care units: Success of the More-2-Eat project. 2018. Clin Nutr.

Laur C, Curtis L, Dubin J, McNicholl T, Valaitis R, Douglas P, Bell J, Bernier P, Keller H. Nutrition Care after Discharge from Hospital: An Exploratory Analysis from the More-2-Eat Study. 2018. Healthcare. 6(1), 9

Keller H, Laur C, Atkins M, Bernier P, Butterworth D, Davidson B, Hotson B, Nasser R, Laporte M, Marcell C, Ray S, Bell J. Update on the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC): post implementation tailoring and toolkit to support practice improvement. 2018. Nutr J. 17:2. 

+Laur C, Keller HH, Curtis L, Douglas P, Murphy J, Ray S. Comparing Hospital Staff Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Before and 1 Year After Improving Nutrition Care: Results From the More-2-Eat Implementation Project. 2017. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.

+Laur C, Valaitis R, Bell J, Keller HH. Changing nutrition care practices in hospital: A thematic analysis of hospital staff perspectives. 2017. BMC Health Serv Res; 17(1):498.

Valaitis R, Laur C, Keller HH, Butterworth D, Hotson B. Need for the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC): gaps in current nutrition care in five Canadian hospitals. 2017. BMC Nutr. 3:60

Laur C, Keller HH. Making the Case for Nutrition Screening in Older Adults in Primary Care. 2017. Nutrition Today. 52:3, 129-136

Laur C, McNicholl T, Valaitis R, Keller HH. Malnutrition or frailty? Overlap and evidence gaps in the diagnosis and treatment of frailty and malnutrition. 2017. App Physiol Nutr Metab. 42(5): 449-458.

Keller HH, Laur C, Valaitis R, Bell J, McNicholl T, Ray S, Murphy J, Barnes S and for the More-2-Eat team. More-2-Eat: evaluation protocol of a multi-site implementation of the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care. 2017. BMC Nutrition; 3:13.

+Laur C, Marcus H, Ray S, Keller HH. Quality Nutrition Care: Measuring hospital staff’s knowledge, attitudes and practices with respect to quality nutrition care. 2016. Healthcare, 4(4),79.

Laur C, Keller HH. Implementing best practice in hospital multidisciplinary nutritional care: an example of using the knowledge-to-action process for a research program. 2015 J Multidiscip Healthc.; 8, 463-472.

Laur C, McCullough J, Davidson B, Keller H. Becoming Food Aware in Hospital: A narrative review to advance the culture of nutrition care in hospitals. 2015. Healthcare, 3(2), 393-407.

Nutrition Education 

Laur C, Johnsen JT, Bradfield J, Eden T, Mitra S, Ray S. Closing the gap: data-based decisions in food, nutrition and health systems: proceedings of the Fifth International Summit on Medical and Public Health Nutrition Education and Research.
2020. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health.

Barrett E, Brown M, Buckner L, Bradfield J, Khalid A, Laur C, Ray S. Connecting Nutrition as a Hard Science and International Knowledge Networks: Proceedings of the 4th International Summit on Medical Nutrition and Public Health Education and Research. 2020. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health.

Golubic R, Laur C, Kelsey M, Livesy A, Hoensch J, Park A, Ray S. The Cambridge Intensive Weight Management Programme Appears to Promote Weight Loss and Reduce the Need for Bariatric Surgery in Obese Adults. 2018. Front Nutr. 5: 54.

Crowley J, Laur C, Carter H, Jones G, Ray S. Perspectives from the Third International Summit on Medical Nutrition Education and Research. 2018 Front. Public Health. 6:93.

Burch E, Crowley J, Laur C, Ray S, Ball L. Dietitians’ perspectives on teaching nutrition to medical students. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2017. J Am Coll Nutr; 36(6):415-421.

Ball L, Barnes K, Laur C, Crowley J, Ray S. Setting Priorities for Research in Medical Nutrition Education: An International Approach. 2016. BMJ Open; 6:e013241.

McCotter LE, Douglas PL, Laur C, Gandy J, Fitzpatrick L, Rajput-Ray M, Ray S. Hydration education: developing, piloting and evaluating a hydration education package for general practitioners. 2016. BMJ Open; 6:e012004.

Ray S, Laur C, Ball L. Nutrition education for public health. Public Health. 2016; 140:3-6.

Laur C, Ball L, Crowley J, Bell H, Maddock J, Ray S. Enhancing breadth of knowledge within multidisciplinary doctoral research: reflections from the Cambridge Generic Nutrition Training course for non-nutritionist postgraduates and professionals. Public Health. 2016 140:35-38.

Laur C, Ball L, Ahankari A, Avdagovska M, Crowley J, Deen D, Douglas P, Hark L, Kohlmeier M, Luzi L, MCCotter L, Martyn K, Nowson C, C Wall C, Ray S. Proceedings of the Inaugural International Summit for Medical Nutrition Education and Research. Public Health. 2016; 140:59-67.

Barnes K, Crowley J, Laur C, Ball L, Ray S. Proceedings of the Second International Summit on Medical Nutrition Education and Research. 2016. Public Health; 140:68-72.

Ray S, Rajput-Ray M, Ball L, Crowley L, Laur C, Ray S, Agarwal S, Ray S. Confidence and attitudes of doctors and dietitians towards nutrition care and nutrition advocacy for hospital patients in Kolkata, India. 2015. J Biomed Edu..

Douglas P, Ball L, McGuffin L, Laur C, Crowley J, Rajput-Ray M, Gandy J, Ray S. Hydration: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of UK Dietitians. 2015.  J Biomed Edu

Crowley J, Ball L, Laur C, Wall C, Arroll B, Poole P, Ray S. Nutrition guidelines for undergraduate medical curricula: a six country comparison. 2015. Adv Med Educ Pract.; 6:127-133.

Kris-Etherton P, Akabas S, Douglas P, Kohlmeier M, Laur C, Lenders C, Levy M, Nowson C, Ray S, Pratt C, Seidner D, Saltzman E. Nutrition Competencies in Health Professionals’ Education and Training: A New Paradigm. 2015. Adv Nutr. 15;6(1):83-7.

Laur C*, Ray S,* Douglas P, Rajput-Ray M, van der Es M, Redmond J, Eden T, Sayegh M, Minns L, Griffin K, McMillan C, Adiamah A, Gillam S, Gandy J. Nutrition Education and Leadership for Improved Clinical Outcomes: Training and supporting junior doctors to run ‘nutrition awareness weeks’ in three English hospitals. 2014. BMC Med Edu. 14(1):109. *Joint first author.

Kris-Etherton PM, Akabas S, Bales C, Bistrian B, Braun L, Edwards M, Laur C, Lenders C, Levy M, Palmer C, Pratt C, Ray S, Rock CL, Saltzman E, Seidner D, and Van Horn L. The Need to Advance Nutrition Education in the Training of Health Care Professionals and Recommended Research to Evaluate Implementation and Effectiveness. 2014. Am J Clin Nutr. 99(5 Suppl):1153S-66S.

Ball L, Crowley J, Laur C, Rajput-Ray M, Gillam S, Ray S. Nutrition in Medical Education:Reflections from an initiative at the University of Cambridge. 2014.  J Multidiscip Healthc.; 7:20915.

Ray S, Laur C, Golubic R. Malnutrition in healthcare institutions: A review of the prevalence of under-nutrition in hospitals and care homes since 1994 in England. 2014. Clin Nutr; 33(5):829-35.

Ray S, Laur C, Rajput-Ray M and Douglas, P. Letter on Nutrition and Fluid Balance: UK Need for Nutrition Education Programme. 2013. BMJ; 346:f1548

*Co-first author
+ Included as a publication in PhD dissertation.

Book Chapters

Interdisciplinary Nutritional Management and Care for Older Adults: An Evidence-Based Practical Guide for Nurses
Springer; 2021. OPEN ACCESS
    Chapter 10: How to Sustain and Spread Nutritional Care Improvements
    Co-author: Jack Bell

    Chapter 12: Delivering Interprofessional Education to Embed Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Effective Nutritional Care
    Co-authors: Julie Santy-Tomlinson, Sumantra Ray

Essentials of Nutrition in Medicine and Healthcare: A Practical Guide
Elsevier; 2023.

    Chapter 3: Basic Principles of Nutritional Care Pathways
    Co-authors: Lauren Ball, Kathy Martyn

    Chapter 14: Nutrition in Public Health, Policy, Prevention, and Implementation
    Co-authors: Lauren Ball, Jørgen Johnsen, Mercedes Zorrilla Tejeda

Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Healthcare Research
Oxford University Press; 2016.

    Chapter 2, section entitled Educational Research within a Health Care Setting and Clinical Audits

As not all publications are open access, please e-mail me if you would like the full version. Celia.laur(at)

Research Gate profile is here.